Friday, October 2, 2020

Lost Boys By Michael Neuenschwander



Ashton and Blake found themselves alone, in the darkening woods, under the thick shadow of Budapest Castle as the last rays of sunlight retreated into the mountains.  They shouldn’t have left their parents, especially on Halloween.


Already the fake witches were putting away their cauldrons, the kids dressed as goblins were now being tucked in their beds…. safely locked behind thick wooden doors. All except them.  Blake shivered as he wondered how they got lost. They never stayed out this late.


They quickly passed the dark castle walls, following a small trail through the thick tangle of branches, hoping to find help. The moon peaked through the clouds dimly illuminating the path for a moment. 


The boys stopped. The hair on the back of their neck stood straight. From the ancient rampart above they heard a low growling. 


They ran. 


Then a piercing, dark howl.


They screamed. 


The huffing of a hunting creature scrambling down the battlement.


And then all was quiet.